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Juggling as a composer and contemporary music juggled! A juggler as soloist of a chamber orchestra!

An exquisite and humoristic piece of music composed by the infamous composer Lotta Wennäkoski. Accompanied by juggler Sakari Männistö, an imaginative artist and established circus performer.
”A classic already when born!” - Lapin Kansa
Performed with:
Tapiola Sinfonietta & Tomas Duptsjöbacka
Vaasa City Orchestra & James Lowe
Jyväskylä Sinfonia & Eero Lehtimäki
Hyvinkää Sinfonia
Oulu Sinfonia.
Company: Agit-Cirk
Cooproducers: Lotta Wennäkoski, Lapin Kamariorkesteri and John Storgårds
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