Contemporary circus performance Tenho refers to memories and images of the old circus; bunch of rough old tricks and odd stunts are performed with bare skill and simple

The performance combines pair acrobatics, raw strongman tricks, Chinese chair balancing and a great deal of eccentric action. It is full of surprises and there is something to wonder about for the whole family.
Creative team
Premiere: 2014
Concept and performers: Jenni Lehtinen and Sasu Peistola
Director: Sakari Männistö
Sound design: Sakari Männistö
Music: Moondog
Production: Agit-Cirk
Coproduction: Cirko - Center for New Circus
Duration can vary from 20 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the
request. The performance is suitable for all ages.
Duration 20 to 30 mins, depending on the request.
Set up takes approximately 3 hours the same day. Take down takes approximately one hour.
Width 9m
Depth 8m
Preferred height 7m, without trees, branches etc.
Flat gravel or grass is a preferred surface. In case of asphalt or
concrete, the company needs to be informed.